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Week 4


  • Implemented a new feature in the Competency Passbook (CP) that provides users with updates on areas where further improvement or learning may be needed, enhancing the platform's value for skill development.
  • Successfully developed a detailed and comprehensive presentation for the project, highlighting its functionalities, architecture, and the overall impact it can bring to the iGoT Karmayogi platform.



  • Gained valuable experience in using Next.js and MongoDB to develop the Competency Passbook, enhancing my skills in full-stack web development and database management.
  • Developed a deep understanding of algorithm-based aggregation to create the Competency Passbook, showcasing my ability to implement complex functionalities.
  • Improved my communication and collaboration skills through extensive discussions with mentors and reviewers, aligning the project with their feedback and suggestions.
  • Strengthened my problem-solving abilities by reworking the problem statement and integrating it with the SunbirdRC code, demonstrating adaptability and flexibility in the development process.